The dogs enjoy lie on the Farm Never a dull moment Kipper’s tumour above her eye is getting slowly larger but is...
Our goats are very happy trying out their new hay feeder, which Terry built The finishing touch will be a roof to keep...
Lots of outdoor activities and walks keep the resident dogs of the House and Villa fit and entertained Of course, in...
Superb weather for burning some log piles, while enjoying the amazing autumn colours of our trees Tiger and Taz have...
Tiger and Maisie are very pleased with the new Lounge suite because they have a chair each Charlie and Kipper enjoying...
So many thanks to all the wonderful people who braved the dreadful windy weather conditions and came along to our open...
Dear old Charlie celebrated his 14th Birthday Lynne made and decorated a very nice pumpkin birthday cake that he shared...
It’s a dog’s life – exploring, sleeping, playing – “all in a day’s work” for the dogs that call the...
Missy’s Dad took her to have her nails trimmed Her three faithful friends Charlie, Kipper and Monty are waiting...
Little Monty was very excited today when his new armchair arrived Darling old Kipper celebrated her 15th Birthday on...
These beautiful sheep are pets and lost their human Dad so they have been donated to live the rest of their lives out...